
July 1996 E-Mail Newsletter

Volume 2 Number 7


Welcome to the Salem New Age Center's monthly e-mail newsletter. Please assist our efforts by sharing this newsletter in e-mail or print with your friends. This newsletter will be sent monthly, free of charge, to all who ask for it. Your written contributions are welcome to help make this newsletter a community effort.

Those lazy, crazy hazy days of summer have put us a little behind schedule this month. Distractions have included sun, sand and surf. But it is still July, so here's our July issue.

Andy Lutts, Editor


___/ c o n t e n t s

1) A Tribute To Barbara

2) 11-11-96 Planetary Light Body Activation

3) More from Mataare Channels the Merlin

4) Ask the Walk-In

5) The Millennium Matters Newsletter


___/ a t r I b u t e


Two days ago, in the early morning hours, during a thunder storm my dear

friend, Barbara died. I wanted to honor her in a special way as she touched

my life so deeply. I posted this in the KRYON folder on AOL as she so loved

these teachings and I am very actively involved with them too!!

We are entering a time on this planet when many others will transition. I

feel that it is a most sacred time and those of us remaining here will need

to support and love each other. Thank you for all the work that you are here

doing. I love you all.

Peaceful Light to you today.



Greetings everyone!

I would like to honor my very dear friend Barbara who crossed over yesterday

morning. As Steve R says "Barbara's graduation will be welcomed by all that

meet her as she returns home." I would just like to say a few words about

her. We met in February of 1995. She came to me as a client. She was in her

mid fifties and was getting a divorce after over 25 years of marriage. She

thought that she was crazy. We worked together in her healing process for a

year and a half. She became one of my Reiki students taking levels I & II.

She was very interested in the Mayan culture and Runes. She was a member of

Saint Bani Ashram here in NH. She was learning about flower essences and

healing herbs and was starting to receive messages about other people. She

was waking up! It was a beautiful experience to share with her. But most of

all she loved our dear KRYON.

When she heard that I was interviewing Lee (Lee Carroll, the channel for KRYON) & Jan in Toronto last November and then was traveling with them to the United Nations, she was thrilled. She couldn't get enough information. And she told me so many things that she could see for me in my future. She was so looking forward to the NH Channel.

She said that she would get to meet the rest of my family then. And most

importantly she would get to meet Lee & Jan. There is a deep sadness within

me as I share this. She was a wonderful friend. It wasn't just that she was a


In February I was moving the inventory of my flower essences and she wanted

to purchase what I did not want. This was her new direction. She so loved the

fact that she would want to learn new things and then share them. I will

always remember the day that she came to me and told me that I did not have

to dowse for her essences anymore, she had been studying this and presented

me with her list of what she needed. She thought that I would be upset that

she had learned this on her own and that I had not taught her about it. Funny

how much she reminded me of myself when I first started out.

She was diagnosed with lung and liver cancer in early June. She had pneumonia

in March and never felt well after that. In Mid June she was told that she

would have from 6 months to a year to live.

I spoke with her two weeks ago and we talked for a very long time about our

contracts we make when we come here. She explained all of the options that

the medical community was telling her to do and that this would prolong her

stay here. She talked at great length about this. I listen until I could not

hear another word. Then I asked her if she remembered the contract

conversations that we had had. She remembered. Then I said that the only

alternative that she had not mentioned was to leave in a state of grace. To

understand that her work here might be completed. As we reflected back over

the past few months she agreed. She had finally found her daughter that she

had given up 28 years ago and she had made peace with all of the family. She

still struggled with her 14 year old daughter, but that would be fine. She

was really ready. She was admitted to the hospital the next day and that was

the last time I spoke with her.

That was the hardest conversation that I have ever had. I know that we all

must prepare for this in some way, but I could not help but feel guilty. I

told her this. Do you know what she said to me? Laurie Joy, you have been a

tremendous help and support to me. I will always love you and I will miss

you. She had made her decision and I knew that that would be the last time in

the physical third dimensional world that we would speak.

The reason, in part, that I share this story is to help anyone else out there

who is struggling and who may be afraid to point out these things to someone

in similar circumstances. This was the first time as a healer, I allowed my

perception of her contract to come forward. I remember one of her sessions

with me was on her birthday this year. We did a past-life journey. She was so

excited about the information. She said she felt very completed that the

puzzle pieces had been found. It was two weeks later that she was diagnosed.

I Honor Barbara for her earthwalk and for all the Love, Light, Peace, and Joy

that she brought here to this planet. May she walk through the hall of honor

and receive her welcome home.

Love, Light, Peace, & Joy

Laurie Joy


___/ 1 1 / 1 1 / 9 6



This is the Galactic Confederation. We are here to announce the

opening of a new dimensional portal which will take place on November

eleventh this year.

Planet Earth is approaching initial phase of its mutation into a body

of light. In winter 1995/96 it began to change its position from the

old into the new leyline grid system. By November this year new grid

system will be totally established and so this planet will be ready

for the beginning of its mutation into the fifth dimension.

A minimal critical mass of 144,000 Lightworkers are needed worldwide

to anchor this sacred event. You can help sealing the new planetary

grid system and activating the planetary light body on that day by

gathering on sacred spots throughout the planet. The following

meditation is suggested:

Visualize a white point of light in the middle of your chest. This

point of light is a dimensional doorway to the fifth dimension. Enter

this point of light and visualize yourself Ascending through the

tunnel of light. On the other side of the tunnel visualize yourself

merging with your soul families, angels and Ascended masters, becoming

One with them.

As a result of this planetary activation following things will be


* Galactic light code 11:11:83 will be anchored. This light code

will align etheric planetary axis and grid system with the

Galactic central sun. Thus planet Earth will begin its Ascension

into fifthdimensional Oneness.

* New planetary grid system will be sealed. Thus its vibration will

be high enough to accept the heightened energies of the photon

belt, which will arrive immediately after this planetary

activation. the photon belt will begin to mutate planet Earth into

its light body.

* With this planetary activation, missions of between 1000 and 2000

Lightworkers will be completed. They will be free to Ascend in the

first wave of Ascension, which will occur at the arrival of the

photon belt.

You can feel free to copy and distribute this information in any way

possible. We thank you for your service and send you light.


Questions or comments may be sent to:


___/ c h a n n e l I n g


Date: October 6, 1995

Place: The Healing Center, Arlington Massachusetts

Full Trance Channel: Xiota Lahmpsa Mataare

Entity Coming Through: The Merlin, also known as Ambrosia (one of Merlin's most famous incarnations was with King Arthur)

Number of People in Attendance: approximately 70

Recorder / Writer of this Transcription: Andrew Lutts, Salem New Age Center

Note: I have done my best to accurately transcribe this information brought forth during this event. However, Merlin often speaks quickly and excitedly, thus this transcription may contain some misinterpretations. However, I have attempted to portray the full, true meaning of his communication.


The oldest remaining beings in our universe originated about halfway out from the center of our universe, also known as the Great Central Sun. This are is where most of the life is. One of the groups looked around and decided that if they wanted to propagate their species, it would be better to do it outside their established area. So they looked around, secretly, in the outer perimeter of the universe, and found Earth.

By the way, these people halfway out from the center of the universe are human. They are human beings, although they are quite different. They are very respected by other beings in the universe, and the beings around them. After trying to propagate their species in the area of the universe around them, they looked for an area with less interference.

The name given to these non-Earth humans by the ancient Hebrews is the name Elohim, which means "those who came from the sky."

This group of human beings is one of the most advanced group of beings in the universe. They are responsible for the generation of not only life on this planet, but of human beings on this planet. They have been involved ever since the first human was here, in a kind of genetic manipulation, so that the human beings here could result in the capacity of human beings to survive better in the physical universe.

This group of human beings is very advanced, and they have advanced to a point where they believe they have proven that there is no spiritual directive as we know it, with a conscious God. They believe that they are the result of wiser beings who have created them, just as they have created others. They feel this way because life is eternal, and has always existed. However, the concept of infinity and no beginning is difficult for earth humans to understand.

At a certain point the Earth humans created a kind of evolution which was spurned by this group. By the way, they have started life here on Earth several times before, and all the previous attempts have failed.

Throughout history, the Elohim have come to Earth. They came to Earth at different times, to different cultures, and they heavily influenced these cultures throughout history. They were thought to be the Gods and spirits and so forth of the many existing religions which exist today. The Elohim heavily influenced these religions along a moral structure to help the people of this Earth survive successfully and viably. Therefore, when this didn't work, it became political influence to help establish order. Still, to this day, the Elohim are involved in Earthly matters.

They have manipulated Earth humans and have created Earth humans with a larger brain capacity, with the hopes that the Earth humans would have superior intelligence and that they would be able to continue the species. However, the full brain capacity is not yet fully used.

Back on the Elohim planetary system, they conducted a kind of contest. They invited scientists (artists, sort of) to participate. A certain scientist won the contest. Many worlds were populated with humans as a result. However, there are only three worlds populated with humans left today. The Elohim, the Earth, and the star system known as the Pleiades.

Some Earth humans have had their first incarnations as Pleiadians. The Pleiadians are a very spiritual group of people. This contrasts with the Elohim.


The name of the scientist who won the contest to introduce human life was named Yahweh. A human being, just like you, but a little different. This is not to say that there is no spiritual reality, because there is. One of the different functions of your greater brain capacity was that which enables you to become cognizant of a non-physical spiritual reality. They had no idea that the greater brain capacity would create a sort of quantum leap, so to say, in the way consciousness functions. And this enables you to experience a spiritual reality, which was undefinable to the Elohim, so to speak.

This will later be a revolution to the Elohim. As you become a people who are better able to understand spiritual reality you will be able to relay it the Elohim.

The spiritual reality became confused. As Earth humans evolved and came to be aware of a spiritual reality, the Elohim stepped in and said, "We are they," so that they could guide humans.

This is nothing new. This has happened over and over throughout time, with more advanced beings stepping in to proclaim that they are Gods.


As time passed, there came to be a faction that felt uneasy about Earth humans having a larger brain capacity. This faction invented a few spies to check on the Earth humans in the attempt to thwart the Earth experiment. The name of that scientist who headed up the faction to interfere with the Earth experiment was named Lucifer. Not a devil, just another human being who wanted to see the Earth experiment end because it threatened them. Yahweh and Lucifer were basically enemies.

Several ancient texts contain different "plays" of extraterrestrial involvement on Earth. Krishna himself was an Elohim. When you read scripture, now you can see why these "Gods" act very much like human beings. Why do they have vengeance, and war? Because they are human! However, all these people made valuable contributions to the people of Earth.


The Elohim have since pulled away from much of their involvement with the people on the Earth. However, their latest project involves introducing some of their science to our world, and they are far more advanced than we are.

In order to make the connection with the people of Earth they have proceeded to establish an Embassy. An entity named Rael has founded the Raelian Movement, a group of 30,000 individuals who have come together for this task.

After the Embassy is established, the Elohim will introduce themselves to us a humans, and they will introduce some of their science to us. They also want to help you start a government that is very much like their own. Their government is based on genius, not on democracy. They think that democracy just cannot work, because it leaves too many unintelligent people in control. They believe that the smartest people should be in charge.

Their life cycles are about 850 years old. Those people that make a lasting, significant contribution to society are given another life cycle. This is accomplished through cloning. All of one's information is stored in the cellular level, and thus cloning works well. If the genetic patterns remain exactly the same, the consciousness is transferred also. This is why twins are so "in touch" with each other.

Yahweh is one person who was given another life cycle. He was one of the most brilliant, and has a great deal of influence, probably the greatest influence of anyone, on earth. By the way, Yahweh is not the same as the spiritual presence of the same name.


You would be surprised to find out that one of the favorite pastimes of the Elohim is sport. Isn't it funny that all humans are essentially the same? And some of their favorite heroes are sports figures. This is because they are HUMAN, just like you.

Now many will say that if they are so advanced, and so evolved, that they should be doing this or that, or some other evolved thing? Why should they! Why should they do what you think they should do?

Who are you to decide what an advanced being should be? An advanced being is not the same thing as a God. They are different.

One thing you would be interested to know is that the Elohim do not only like sports, but they like VIOLENT sports. So although they have a good and wonderful society, you would be SHOCKED at the level and intensity of the level of violence of their sports. This is because their greatest heroes are those who can die in sports. Death is fascinating to them, because they don't have to die. The greatest sports heroes are involved in games that are a lot like the ancient Greeks.

This is why there are so many stories around about Gods playing around in games with the Greeks and so forth. It's a very similar society, in terms of the games.

When this information is distributed in detail so that the Elohim can let you know that they are who they say they are, your Earth throughout your society will have trouble with this.

Questions and Answers

Q. Merlin, could you somehow anchor all this in terms of God and Spirit? Could you position Christ within this? Perhaps you are suggesting by your silence that Christ himself may also be an Elohim?

A. That's right. Yeshua (also known as Jesus) was of great interest to the Elohim. Not for the reason that they thought, however. Because they don't hold a spiritual reality.

Jesus was a bit confused, however he rose to the occasion. There are many enlightened Earth humans who would easily be confused by extraterrestrials. Jesus was confused.

Jesus of scripture will never return, but the Christ consciousness shall and is returning. However, the entity Jesus has been cloned, by the Elohim.

Because of the level of awareness of Jesus, they are involving themselves right now, bringing enlightenment to the Elohim society. Jesus was not an Elohim to begin with, but he is now, living in that society.

What is Jesus' heritage? Where did he come from?

He was a human being, but with a story to it. Jesus' source was the same as yours and mine. These little plays, that being the interplay between groups, don't really matter. If you were from the Pleiades, for example, it wouldn't really matter. You would still have the same spiritual purpose. It doesn't matter if you are threatened by the grays or the Russians, you still have the same spiritual purpose. Ultimately, it just gets all played out on a higher consciousness.

Ultimately, the message is to transcend here, find higher consciousness, and spread the cognizance of love. You will be tested in this from every single dimension of consciousness. That is the way the consciousness evolves itself. There is a perceived threat, and then a higher consciousness occurs and raises the level of awareness.

If the world were suddenly blown up by extraterrestrials, do you think it would really be the end of you? You would just come in as someone else in some other life form, and begin your life and continue your soul's development from there. You cannot be in danger. You are spiritual beings. Many things in your culture, your civilizations may change.

Everything is part of a great play which brings awakening into something else.


NOTE: The full transcript of this channeling will be posted to the Salem New Age Center home page in about two weeks:

Mataare is available for private channelings in person or by phone. He channels Merlin, Sun Bear, Mary, and many others. Send E-Mail to Mataare at:


___/ a s k t h e w a l k - I n

The Walk-in: Kelemeria Myarea Elohim

Q. What is a walk-in experience?

A. This is where two individual souls have agreed to switch places. The first soul has gone as far as they can in their development and is ready to move on. The soul that has taken its place will serve on this planet in a different capacity than before. Normally, permission has been granted in order for this to take place. Another way to call the experience is soul transference.

Q. How do you know if it has happened to me?

A. You usually feel totally different. Do not recognize the people around you. You will have lapses of memory of the other occupant and will not be able to recognize the reason you came. It is usually quite a shock to the body especially if this has happened due to a car accident, operation, or a very long illness. You will feel very estranged from everyone around you. After all, you are a totally different entity.

Q. What happens to the other soul?

A. The other soul continues on their journey either to be together with a loved one or be sent to another place to continue learning. They will at this point in time not be back here.

Q. Does a walk-in have special powers and gifts?

A. We all have special powers and gifts. Sometimes walk-ins can tap into these gifts once they realize what has happened to them. A walk-in is really no different than a person who decides to come through in the normal birth process. We are given everything we need to be here on the planet.

Q. What is a starseed?

A. Starseeds are children that have been born here in the last 18 -20 years. They have never been on the planet before and know instinctively why they are here. Many are angelic beings who will be our leaders in the future.

Q. What about "born again" Christians experiences?

A. Those who have experienced a "born again" experience have made a direct connect with God. This is not a walk-in experience. Most of them are very judgmental and won't accept any other ideas. Walk-ins and Starseed Children have no judgment and accept everyone for who they are.

Q. What is the difference between full memory and full knowledge?

A. Full memory is when a walk-in has the ability to tap into the former occupant's memory bank as well as the new soul's memory banks. They know why they are here and what they are going to be doing. Whereas, full knowledge has only been experienced by a few great ones and of course, God. You must not assume that because a walk-in is from another planetary system, that they have full knowledge.


Coming soon: the Walk-In Resource Center home page. Details to follow in next month's newsletter.

To ask your questions of Kelemeria send your questions to:


___/ t h e m I l l e n I u m m a t t e r s

JC Paul and friends have done a lot of hard work on the Millennium Matters web site, MM mailing list, AOL site, and all around the Internet. If you are looking for interesting Millennium information, request the Millennium Matters newsletter. The newsletter covers all things millennium, including: earth changes, prophecy, weird weather, political events, and much more.

To subscribe to the Millennium Matters newsletter, send e-mail to with the words "subscribe MM newsletter"

Or check out the Millennium Matters website at:


___/ s t a r g a t e s


The following are the projected dates and locations through 1997:

Sept 96 Glastonbury, England

Dec 96 Maui, Hawaii

March 97 Mexico

June 97 Mt. Fuji, Japan

Sept 97 Australia

Dec 97 Giza, Egypt

Anyone interested in traveling to these locations or sponsoring channeled sessions or lectures should contact or check out:


___/ d o l p h I n s


August 9-16, 1996

Spend a week aboard a beautiful 50 foot Trimaran boat, playing, singing, and

communing with earth, sea, and sky. We will be swimming with wild spotted

dolphins in the oceans of The Grand Bahamas.

For more information, contact Ashara at:


To contribute your written material to this newsletter send e-mail to Andy Lutts:

Salem New Age Center - Salem Massachusetts

To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your e-mail address please send e-mail to



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