
Issue Number 25
Subscribers 3000+ lightworkers worldwide

Welcome to the Salem New Age Center's monthly e-mail newsletter. Please assist our efforts by sharing this newsletter in e-mail or print with your friends. This newsletter will be sent monthly, free of charge, to all who ask for it. Your written contributions are welcome to help make this newsletter a community effort. - Andy Lutts, Editor

In This Issue

   *** Poetry - Eileen Cheng
   *** Warriors for Peace - Machiventa Melchizedek
   *** Attitude is Everything - Francie Baltazar-Schwartz
   *** Meditation Greeting Of The Dawn - Matthew Tones
   *** Poem - A Golden Life - Lauren O. Thyme
   *** An Afternoon in the Park - Julie A. Manhan

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by Eileen Cheng

I met you in the blazing afternoon and loved you in the
shades of the oasis. I sang to the wings of your soul
carrying your dreams through the night. As you left me
at dawn, I lost you.

Searching through eternity, I thought I found you - but
in eyes missing a spirit, lips that do not quiver, arms
which know not an embrace, and nights without magic.

In an instant, at a spark in the darkest mystery, we
recognized each other ... my love, you have returned to


A poem inspired by an unfinished life of a parent and the children in a previous lifetime


by Eileen Cheng

Every star has its destiny
To shine for you to wish on
Each soul has its yearning
To seek its spirit beyond
A man houses the dream
Of being inspired by his other part
A woman is driven by her desire
To reach the shore where love embarks

Beckoned by the force of love
To visit the void we left behind
In the endless ages unknown to all
Upon our wings we do recall
The power sublime which embraces
The passion that was never lost
Only to excel in the season
Of divine reunion with God

I’m waiting here my child
Where echoes run free and wild
With out-stretched arms so worn
By dreams and hopes forlorn
Memories of a life forsaken
Tears upon my heart awakened
Aeons have blossomed and withered
Love returns with flames reborn

copyright 1998 - Eileen Cheng  e.cheng@ifad.org



Machiventa Melchizedek

It's time for men to become warriors for peace. It is the most difficult and delicate integration to learn how to do this. The traditional understanding of being a warrior is totally different from what the celestials are [pointing toward]. Traditionally, peace has been merely the cessation of conflict; this is an incorrect definition of peace.

You cannot protect what you yourself do not embody. To the extent that it is in the genetic makeup of men to fight to protect, [the old way] is the only way they know. And now it's time to learn an entirely different approach to understand what protection really is and what it is that needs protecting.

The people who are going to have the most [visible] impact on peace in the world are the ones who are coming from the camp of the traditional mode of violent peacekeeping. If you have a Dalai Lama, for example, who speaks for peace, he's not going to have much [direct] impact on the world because he's already seen in the mold of a peacemaker. [Traditional] men will only respect other men who are moving from a warlike consciousness into a peaceful consciousness - if they're men [leaders] whom they can relate to. Somebody who has been successful in battle and earned the respect of [people who are still part of] the old paradigm of war...if that person understands and shifts, makes a 180-degree turn, that is the person these other men will follow.

The problem with the culture is that those who understand true peacekeeping are seen as cowards. We need to have "true heroes" understand the meaning of peace. And when I say "true heroes," I mean that which is defined in the

culture as such. When such men are infused with the understanding of true peacekeeping, then and only then will enough people follow them to turn the tide.

So it's important to be able to make contact with people at those levels - you've got to find a way to reach them. You have to reach the four-star generals, you have to reach to the highest levels, to [men such as] Saddam Hussein; you have to find a way to do that. Those are the men who will make the difference in the world.

Now the rest of you, who are working in this way [with the celestials], you become the baseline, the fodder, the foundation, but in and of yourselves you are not going to be able to change the tide - [that can only be done by] men in positions of power. It's your responsibility to find out how to get to them and how to change their souls. That is the only hope. That's the only hope for humanity.

You can use your ability to actually open the channels for the influence of celestial energy to turn the tide. Because only when you work together as a group are you a wide enough channel for us to pour enough energy through. It is just like a plumbing system. A large water main from the city is going to carry a huge influx of water. The pressure per square inch is enormous, as opposed to one little faucet in one home. When you meditate individually, the effect for yourself personally is always positive, and we never would say not to pay much attention to that. But when you have many together, then something [greater] can happen. There must be a sense of urgency to do so - to rise above your petty concerns. Care for them - but [use them] to serve as a platform of greater service. Join forces together.

You don't actually need to do anything but ask for the celestial influence to move through you. We can't do that [work on these leaders] directly; it needs to be done through [your] love. You have to find a way to be in compassionate openness in relation to people who are very closed. You ability to open to them allows us to move through [you] and into their hearts. It is not just that we are not supposed to do that directly; it's because we are trying to learn [to work with you] and you are trying to learn to work with us. This is a co-creative activity. If you actually see that the effect of your openness is positive, that it does move people, then you will be heartened. Then you will turn to us more for this kind of assistance. It is not that we cannot do that without you; it is that it is not the plan to do it without you.

 from  Machiventa Melchizedek  -  WMidwife@aol.com



By Francie Baltazar-Schwartz

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"

He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied.

"Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."

"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested.

"Yes it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line It's your choice how you live life."

I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him.

Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body. I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?"

I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. "The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live."

"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked.

Jerry continued, "The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, 'He's a dead man. " I knew I needed to take action."

 "What did you do?" I asked.

"Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."

Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.


Written by Matthew Tones

We suggest you practice this meditation outdoors so that the energies of nature are fully experienced. If this is not plausible, you may practice the exercise indoors using your visualization skills. To experience the full effect of the exercise, we recommend you practice this exercise approximately 15 - 30 minutes prior to dawn.

This is a simple, yet effective meditation I have developed to help each of us throughout each day. This meditation exercise aims to help you keep your 'center', to help keep you focused and aware throughout your daily affairs.

To begin, stand or sit (which ever is more comfortable) in an easterly direction (Which is the direction the sun rises from) and place the palms of your right hand, over the back of your left hand and place your right thumb over your left thumb, so that a circle is formed by your thumbs and index fingers. Now place your hands, in this position, over your solar plexus (just above your navel/belly button). This position of the hands allows for a continual flow of your prana (universal energy) throughout your entire body. Your feet should be placed slightly apart in a comfortable position.

Now, close your eyes and take Three deep breaths - one for mind, one for body, and one for soul. Center your higher self within your consciousness, focus on the exercise at hand, and listen to that inner, wordless voice - your heart. Find that perfect inner- stillness and stay there. You should be breathing at a slow comfortable pace. You would be surprised at the amount of people that do not know how to breathe properly. I shall attempt to explain the process - When you inhale, your diaphragm (stomach muscle) should first expand, followed by your chest; when exhaling, your chest falls first, followed by your diaphragm/stomach muscles.

The next step, is to watch your thoughts waft across your mind, like clouds

in the sky. We ask that you simply recognize that these are messages for you to try and understand; you may wish to stay here for a little while and try to make sense of them. Once you feel content to move onward, gently push your thoughts aside, clearing your mind of everything other than the meditation at hand. We now ask that you take Three more deep breaths (mind, body and soul) to help you clear your mind. Gently allow your muscles to relax, although remain in an upright, erect position. Let go of any tension's and stress within your mind and body. Just all it to leave. It is no longer apart of you. Allow your body to be; let it relax.

Once again, when you feel content to move onward, gently open your eyes and become 'one' with your surroundings. You may wish to visualize your light/aura extending out all around you and becoming apart of your environment. Appreciate the nature within your environment. Appreciate the beauty of nature in its many forms. We ask that you be thankful for this sacred site that you call 'home'. Be thankful for this opportunity to appreciate nature and Earth and ALL THAT IS

As you breathe in the air, (being thankful for this also), know in your heart that this form of God's expression is cleansing your mind, body and your soul. Know that these breaths are cleansing your day ahead. Know in your hearts center, that the day ahead will go well and you will understand everyday life experiences for what they really are. Today you shall walk 'awake' and be 'aware'. Ask your guides in light for guidance throughout the day and thank them for all they have done and will do. Let them know how grateful you are, express this with your heart. Be thankful to THE CREATOR and ALL THAT IS. Be thankful for the opportunity to GREET THE DAWN this fine day.

Now we ask that you feel the 'warmth' of your surroundings with your heart. Feel the presence of THE CREATOR in ALL THAT IS. Feel and see THE CREATOR working through your life, feels THE CREATOR greet you with the coming dawn. Feel the cleansing, reviving effects of the first rays of light in the sky. Feel this incredible expression of god. Greet the dawn with your heart and be thankful. Send your love and light to this day, this dawn and all your surroundings and loved ones. Become one with ALL THAT IS. Hold onto this oneness and take it with you throughout the day. Know in your heart that this dawn has some-how healed you of your 'old ways' and 'made way for new'. Shine brightly upon those you meet today as though you are that dawn you just witnessed and these 'people' you meet, are you greeting an incredible expression of god's will. Know in your heart center, that they within their heart's center, love you ever so dearly for WHO YOU ARE because YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE. Understand that you both agreed upon this meeting to play these games of life so that you may both learn the lessons of your soul's need. Send these friends of light your unconditional love, no matter what the situation is. Take this with you today and many blessings from all us here at FREE SPIRIT. I AM ULAH- Matthew Tones

WE ARE WITH YOU, ALWAYS, IN ALL WAYS - your guides of light.

(C) Copyright 19th March 1998 by Matthew Tones tonesm@topaz.cqu.edu.au



Selected writings by Wendy Munro, Spirit of Life Center


There are many people who take a fatalistic perspective of life. When things don’t work out the way they had hoped I often hear people say 'I guess that is the way it is supposed to happen'. This attitude can be a trap for those who are unaware. The responsible spiritually aware person will be willing to look at the reasons why their 'dreams' didn’t happen the way they preferred.

Firstly it is important to look at your expectations. As children we were taught 'don't expect anything, be satisfied with what you have.' We were often disappointed. Over time we learned that instead of expecting a positive outcome we expected to be let down, to be disappointed (yet again). When something doesn't work out the way you want it to, it is important to be honest and ask yourself - 'what did I really expect?' Did I expect to be let down, refused, rejected, betrayed, disappointed or any other descriptive that is uniquely yours. Your challenge is to ask yourself 'what was I really expecting?', not what you thought you were expecting.

Expectancy is a very high energy. It is part of the 'Law of Resonance'. It was once a sacred tool taught only to those who are able to understand how to change their own resonance. Now, at a time when secrets are no longer kept in the mystery schools, it is important for the student to practice changing their resonance to be in harmony with their desired outcome.

Some positive examples are to hold the expectancy of 'I will be acceptable, the preferred one, fulfilled, happy with the response, delighted with the outcome, over the moon with success. Choose a statement that holds the opposite energy to the negative expectancy previously held. In a similar way it is important to look to your expectancies in relationship to social change, politics, earth changes, war and peace, financial and economic changes, disease and health. Each of these and many

more are going to have outcomes that are dependent upon he desires and expectancies of the masses of people. When sufficient numbers of people come together with a shared vision, and each holds the same resonance based on expectancy, there can be no other outcome that what is shared in their hearts and minds.

It is not necessary that you know all of these people, or even that you be in the same country. Like attracts like where ever it is. The shared vision filled with the resonance of expectancy will build an energy field in the astral realms or the etherium and it will be along those lines of force that the form (matter) will build. Where ever you are we can create a new world together.


We were taught at school that metamorphosis is a total change in shape and form. We as a humanity are going through the greatest change in our entire history. Many attribute this change to the Photon Belt. Lazaris tells us that there is no such thing as a Photon Belt and he continues by saying that many of the predictions by those who have postulated that one exists have not come to pass, nor will they. Lazaris rather suggests that the changes we are going through now are a direct result of a decision which was made over 90,000 years.

The opening of the Sirius Vortex in April of 1994 was the catalyst that enabled the down pouring of the Light of Goddess which is the major factor in bringing about most of the changes in humanity at this point in time. He compared it to a download onto a computer where we have each been given all the Light and all the Love that we will ever need to enable us to awaken to our spirituality.

While many people have very high powered computers with access to the internet, they do not necessarily know how to access the information. We are similar. We have access to all the wisdom and love of Goddess and it is now totally available to us. Our task is to learn how to open to it. The Light of Goddess is a vibration that is the finest and highest frequency in our universe. Its impact on our pineal and pituitary glands, the thalamus and hypothalamus and the ventricles are now being activated to resonate with the light and love of Goddess. It is this higher frequency that is the catalyst for the release of the various chemicals and neurotransmitters that enable change and transformation to take place in the human body and central nervous system. This is the preparatory phase of what will ultimately lead to the human form changing into a spiritual body or body of light.

There are many ways in which we as a humanity may assist these changes and access the Light and Love of Goddess consciously. Meditation is a priority. Solitude, or the ability to attend to the soul is also important. It is also a necessity to discover the reason why you resist being loved and loving yourself. When you truly love yourself you will always honour your body by eating what is right for your body and treat it as the temple of the living soul.

Note Lazaris is a spiritual energy and light being who channels through Jach Pursel. You can find out more about Lazaris at http://www.lazaris.com/lmintromf.htm
copyright by Wendy Munro, Spirit of Life Center



In January 1998, the New Age Mining Company awarded The Salem New Age Center with their Best of the Net award.

Barbara Bianco is the Guide for the New Age Section of the Mining Company. She personally includes various selected new age resources she feels worthy of your attention. New links are added daily, and many are suggested by site viewers. Visit Barbara's New Age Mining Company site at




by Lauren O. Thyme

Twirling with the wind,
we are the leaves of the Universe,
victorious in our freedom.

Yet hesitant,
we deny our dance,
and with measured beat,
cling to desolation, lovelessness and loss,
anonymous and hollow.

Hoping for an echo of clarity,
we interrogate the silent Void.
A distant melody, faint but clear, reverberates.

Sing to me.  Answers will frolic like questions,
and doubts will evaporate like poetry in sunlight.
When you choose Life, Life chooses you.
A Golden Rainbow will come, a shower, washing clean your fears.
Lay down your burdens and rejoice.

Phrases hang in the wind like yesterday’s laundry,
brows furrow in soil fecund with imagination,
while lips form words unwittingly.

Who?  We ask, like awakening owls -- who?
     All of you, the Universe replies.

     A Golden Life.

     Because it is time.


copyright Oct. 27, 1995 by Lauren O. Thyme - timetrav@adnc.com



Our last issue provided a comprehensive list of new age resources. Here's a couple more for your consideration

Edgar Cayce mentioned in several of his readings that the Hall of Records would be opened in 1998 or shortly thereafter. According to Cayce the entrance to the Hall of Records is within the right paw of the Sphinx. To subscribe send e-mail to majordomo@angus.mystery.com with the message subscribe hall-of-records youremail@address

Subscribe at http//www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/membership.html 

Natalie at http://www.loveandlight.com   uses her natural gifts to help people with messages from deceased loved ones. She hosts a chat room open to all every Tuesday evening from 900 - 1100 PM. For more information visit http://www.loveandlight.com   or send e-mail to nblakes@erie.net

Check out the family of lighworkers at http://www.lightworker.com  


THE place to link-up with lightworkers opening Stargates and more. Find out about the upcoming JUNE 20th STARGATE opening. http://www.earthlinkmission.org



By Julie A. Manhan

There once was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He knew it was long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with Twinkies and a six-pack of root beer and he started his journey.

When he had gone about three blocks, he met an old woman. She was sitting in the park just staring at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to her and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old lady looked hungry, so he offered a Twinkie. She gratefully accepted it and smiled at him. Her smile was so pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered a root beer. Once again she smiled at him. The boy was delighted!

They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word. As it grew dark, the boy realized how tired he was and he got up to leave, but before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. She gave him her biggest smile ever.

When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. She asked him, "What did you do today that made you so happy?" He replied, "I had lunch with God." But before his mother could respond, he added, "You know what? She's got the most beautiful smile I've ever seen!"

Meanwhile, the old woman, also radiant with joy, returned to her home. Her son was stunned by the look of peace on her face and he asked, "Mother, what did you do today that made you so happy?" She replied, "I ate Twinkies in the park with God." But before her son responded, she added, "You know, he's much younger than I expected."

By Julie A. Manhan
from A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
Thanks to Bob Salt for passing this along to us.
To subscribe to the Chicken Soup for the Soul daily e-mail inspirational messages visit


Coming up in our next issue

Summer New Age Reading Guide, including Author Profile of Richard Bach. Plus Your article! e-mail it to us now for an upcoming issue! Ideal length 1 - 3 pages. Send articles to andy@salemctr.com

Special Note The Salem Center has at last found a great new service to help distribute this e-mail newsletter. It's called Mail-List.com, and it is run by Mark David McCreary. For more information about Mail-List.com, see their web site at http://www.mail-list.com

To subscribe, send a blank e-mail to newage-on@mail-list.com
To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to newage-off@mail-list.com
For an easy-to-use web interface to subscribe, unsubscribe, change your address or subscribe a friend visit  http://www.salemctr.com/newage/subscribe.htm
end of newsletter - beginning of new age