Issue Number 22
Subscribers: 2975 lightworkers worldwide

Welcome to the Salem New Age Center's monthly e-mail newsletter. Please assist our efforts by sharing this newsletter in e-mail or print with your friends. This newsletter will be sent monthly, free of charge, to all who ask for it. Your written contributions are welcome to help make this newsletter a community effort. - Andy Lutts, Editor


In This Issue
*** Lemurian Elders - Lauren O. Thyme
*** New Mailing List: Lemuria
*** But Not Me! - Spirit Editorials by Majahnae
*** New Age Books - a three year review
*** The 500 pound desk - Mahahnae
*** Fear of Sailing - Caroline Mendez

----------promotional message-------------------------------------
Visit "The Light Network" newsletter, a metaphysical / spiritual bi-monthly publication with varied subjects each issue, including book reviews, inspirational stories, articles about Feng Shui, crystals, dolphins, sacred dance, astrology, meditation, poems, interviews, and much, much more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

channeled by Lauren O. Thyme

Dear Gentle Souls: We are Lemurian Elders and bring you messages of hope and renewal from ages past. We are overjoyed that so many of you have awakened to your memories and have joined with us in bringing Lemurian energy to this beautiful planet. There is much to be done, and we thank you for your desire to play your part.

Our Motherland existed tens of thousands of years ago on a large, lovely, lush and harmonious continent between two seas. After its destruction, much of the land was submerged under what is now the Pacific Ocean - an appropriate name. Those of you who resonate to dolphins and whales lived near the sea. Those who vibrate to the sound of waterfalls and scenes of forest glades lived inland. We Lemurians used crystals and gemstones in our daily lives and rituals, which is why you're so drawn to them. We placed messages in them a long time ago. They are your friends and can help you remember Universal Laws and Wisdom and to open up your chakras and auras to Gold Light. Gold Light comes from Creator Source and is the most potent Light in physical manifestation to transform and transmute. As you meditate on Gold Light, invoking it into your physical and spiritual bodies, you will transform yourselves. Gold Light is being beamed onto your planet in ever-increasing waves of Creator Source's love and guidance. Your body/mind, that part of you that KNOWS, is connected to the Gold Light and Creator Source. We practiced listening to our body/minds and follow their instructions, no matter what our intellectual minds told us. This body/mind is also connected to Universal Conscience, so we could never go wrong.

We had physical bodies, like you do today. However, like you, we found physical bodies difficult and painful to live in and live with. Although we were connected to physical bodies, we chose to avoid the physical and maintain our spiritual Light Bodies most of the time, similar to living in the Dreamworld of aboriginal peoples, highly meditative states or out-of-body travel. Because we never fully lived in our physical bodies, we failed at our task of becoming totally physical. Yes, you heard us correctly. We failed. That is why we have spent millennia sending messages from the spirit world, to advise and help people learn. BOTH the physical body and the spirit body are valuable, important, and vital to live in this three-dimensional world. Living in physical manifestation is the most important task human beings are here to perfect. The job of being human is to learn from our mistakes and live in the physical.

The second task is remembering your essential spiritual nature, to utilize the realms of Wisdom and knowledge in order to live in harmony, cooperation, peace unconditional love and forgiveness with each other.

The most important facet of our civilization was unity - unity with self, others, the planet including all animate and inanimate life, other dimensions and stars, and with Creator Source. That is a concept we visualized and intended. Unity for all humans on this planet. All are a part of Creation and the universe. All are perfect, regardless of what the intellect says. All are here to fulfill important missions in the tapestry of existence. Do you cringe at violence? Suffer at injustice? Wail about poverty and famine and war? These are all perfect within Creator Source's grand design. You are here to learn - together.

We learned to embrace the All. Avoided no thing and no one. We saw strangers as potential friends and saw the Creator's Face in every person we encountered. We trod softly on Creator Source's earth. Taught and practiced what we knew in our body/minds for the highest good of all. Does this sound familiar? We have been around for awhile teaching these concepts to many individuals, cultures, religions, and groups. The time is coming when your visions of a Golden Age will emerge as reality from the ashes of the old world. Are you ready? We are with you, to encourage, to remind you, to whisper Universal Truth in your ear to make it come true. We hope it is your primary INTENTION, as it is ours, to birth a new and loving cradle of humanity here on earth.

Blessings - The Elders 10/02/97

The Elders are channeled by fellow Lemurian Lauren O. Thyme, a lifelong psychic and spiritual counselor, healer, channel and teacher. The Elders have created a book (with Lauren's help) entitled The Lemurian Way, Remembering Your Essential Nature due to be published soon.

Also, Lauren has graciously offered to answer general questions on behalf of the Lemurian Elders. Send your questions by e-mail to Lauren at:  


A new mailing list has been created, with the subject being Lemuria. Lemuria was a fascinating civilization which existed prior to and during the time of Atlantis. At its peak of civilization, the Lemurian people were both highly evolved and very spiritual. While concrete physical evidence of this ancient continent may be difficult to find, many people "know" that they have a strong connection to Lemuria.

The Lemuria Mailing List was created:

1) To provide an environment in which people can share knowledge, memories, thoughts, ideas and concepts about Lemuria.
2) To gather like-minded people who have a common interest, or common history.
3) To discuss current issues and topics relevant to us today, especially as they may relate to events from the past.
4) To increase the awareness of the way life was in Lemuria at its peak of civilization, and recreate that greatness here on Earth now.

If this subject is one that you feel drawn to, please join us on the Lemuria Mailing List.

To subscribe to the Lemuria mailing list send a message to: (no subject is required)
In the body of your message type:
subscribe lemuria

or for more information visit the web site at:  
Special thanks to Randy at Photon Net for hosting the mailing list:


SPIRIT EDITORIALS - from A World of Compassion

BUT NOT ME! by Majahnae and Spirit

Have you ever thought "But not me!" when you see someone channeling or healing or using a pendulum or automatic writing or tarot cards? He can do this and she can do that. Aren't they lucky? They must be blessed to have such talent. I sure am glad they can do these things so I can go to them for assistance when I need it. "But not me! I could never do that."

I spent a few years going to workshops, having readings and quietly gazing at these prophets of our times with awe. In spite of the fact that they (and Jesus) taught me "these things too and greater yea shall do," I was not convinced. In time, my interest in all these areas grew. I went to seminars, ordered tapes and books. They all told me the same thing, "You can do it, too". Sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees.

I am still not too sure when I began to change. It was subtle and slow -- my own "talents" sort of snuck up on me. When I finally turned around to look back, I had become competent in many areas. After all, those teachers and prophets I sought out had told me "These things you can do". They were right. It just took me a lot of thumps on the head to realize I HAD learned and acquired. "But not me!" eventually had become, "I can do this!"

Now I channel, do automatic writing, healing, program and use crystals, hear spirit, "see" ET's and spirits and auras (not on demand, but when it is appropriate for the work and life I have), send vibration and graphics. I do this all in the spirit of free will and choice, only asking for clearing and healing as it is appropriate for the individual or group it is for.

Now I am here to tell you, "You can too!" Isn't life wonderful and full of surprises? No, the path was not easy and filled with a map and directions. I don't learn from simple lessons. Most of us don't learn until things get uncomfortable or even very painful. That's just the way humans are. If things are comfortable, why seek change? Are you a seeker? Are you finding teachers around every bend? Teachers who in their own way say, "You can do this too!"? Maybe it is time to look back and see what you have learned to do. When you see something you'd like to do, just remember that "You can too!"



Over the last three years, our new age book group has read over 36 popular new age books. All the books have provided us with hours of stimulating, thought provoking discussion. In an effort to identify some of the books which we felt offered the most value to us, and thus may be helpful to others too, we recently rated all the books. Find below a list of all the books we have read, from the highest ranked to our less favorite books.

A special note: All books provided value in their own way, even those the group liked less. Please use this only as a guide for your own search for the books that may be important to you at this time.

10 = best, highly recommended, excellent
5 = average
1 = less likely to recommend to others

our rating     book title             author
9.66    Conversations With God         Neale Donald Walsch
9.2    Saved By The Light              Dannion Brinkley
8.55    Embraced By The Light         Betty Jean Eadie
8.5    You Can Heal Your Life          Louise Hay
8.4    Way Of The Peaceful Warrior    Dan Millman
8.28    The Complete Ascension Manual    Joshua David Stone
8.25    Illusions                 Richard Bach
8.0    Many Lives Many Masters          Brian Weiss MD
8.0    Open Your Mind to Prosperity    Catherine Ponder
7.88    Mutant Message Down Under    Marlo Morgan
7.62    Opening To Channel             Sanaya Roman
7.6    The Celestine Prophesy         James Redfield
7.57    Personal Power Through Awareness Sanaya Roman
7.5    The Kryon Books I-III        Lee Carrol
7.5    We The Arcturians             Norma Milanovich
7.42    MAP Cocreative White Brotherhood Machaelle Wright
7.4    7 Spiritual Laws of Success         Deepak Chopra
7.2    Hidden Mysteries - Ets & Ancient Mystery Joshua David Stone
7.14    Angel Energy                 Jon Randolph Price
7.0    Jewels On The Path             Eric Klein
7.0    Way Of The Shaman             Michael Harner
6.83    The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People Stephen Covey
6.83    Interior Design with Feng Shui    Sarah Rossbach
6.8    Nothing In This Book Is True…..    Bob Frissell
6.8    An Ascension Handbook        Tony Stubbs
6.76    Life After Life             Raymond Moody
6.6    Creating Money: Keys to Abundance Sanaya Roman
6.57    Bringers of The Dawn         Barbara Marciniak
6.22    You Are Becoming Galactic Human Essene & Nidle
5.8    The Pleiadian Agenda         Barbara Hand Clow
5.8    Care of the Soul             Thomas Moore
5.75    Legend of Altazar             Solara
5.66    Beyond My Wildest Dreams     Kim Carlsberg
5.66    You Can Remember Your Past LivesSmith & C.T.Cayce
5.5    The Power of the Witch         Laurie Cabot
5.27    The Tenth Insight             James Redfield
5.0    The Return of Merlin             Deepak Chopra
4.66    First Things First             Steven Covey


HEALING WAYS by Majahnae

Long ago, I thought people who could give healings were touched by spirit in such a special way. I still find animals are easiest to work with when healing because they do not have any resistance to being well. This is unlike some humans I have encountered. It was my cat who first taught me I could ask for the healing energies to come through me to help heal others. One night he was hit by a car. I took him to the animal hospital. As I sat in the dark in my car with him in my lap, waiting for the vet to arrive, I thought of the tape I listened to the day before on how to send healing to someone. Innocently I placed my hands on the cat and visualized the ball of healing light as they had instructed on the tape. The cat and I sat there for a few minutes. The vet came and examined the cat lying limply on the table. He indicated the cat was pretty well bruised but no apparent sign of internal injuries. The phone rang and he left for a few minutes. When he returned the cat stood up, shook himself off and hopped off the examining table. The vet looked at me and said what happened? I meekly told him of the tape and what I had done. Nothing more was said and the cat and I went home. It was the veterinarian months later after the incident who acknowledged this and helped to affirm to me that it was real. He asked my mother-in-law if I had told her about the cat. She called and asked. I had totally forgotten the experience. She told me that the vet certainly had not forgotten. Like most people, I need a solid hit over the head with a two by four to learn sometimes.

My first human personal experience of healing, was with my son who was about four at the time. He had been raised with homeopathic remedies and massage, or touch for health techniques. It was his first attempt at two wheel bicycle riding. I was watching and he crashed. His eyes looked up at me in astonishment as if asking "how could something so fun create so much pain?" I picked him up and through his tears he said, "Put healing in it." I did. When I finished, he trotted off to play. A few minutes late he came to me and said, "You're not finished." We sat down and I allowed spirit to send the healing vibration he needed to his injury. He jumped up to play when he knew I was through. "Put healing in it Mom." He is fourteen and still believes this takes care of his injuries. I have taught him as he gets older to ask for healing from spirit too. I still need to be reminded on occasion that this is what to do, as does he.

Majahnae and Spirit

Majahnae's is an active participant on AOL, particularly on the Crystal Ball folder and the Crystal Ball Zine. You can send e-mail to her at:



I grew up in the messiest house you can imagine. Not dirty, just messy. Rooms piled with stacks of newspapers, books, magazines, junk mail "to be read when there was time". My parents were both avid readers and pack rats. They simply could not bear to throw anything away, for fear they might need it later. Adding to this was my Father's career as a newspaper reporter turned political editorialist. In order to sit on a chair or couch, you would first have to nudge one of the animals to move from their comfortable spot, then lift the perhaps month or two old newspaper or last weeks "to be read" mail or last Christmas's family letter in progress that was "to be sent" as soon a my Mother could finish it. Her poor health and utter lack of organization mixed with a very bright, curious mind and a heaping dose of perfectionism kept her from many things she would mean to do. A wonderful home. An interesting home. Just messy.

In one corner of the living room there was a huge old gray metal desk that had been purchased used from a school when they upgraded the office furniture. For years it was covered in one, two or perhaps almost three feet deep piles, or stacks of the "to be read", "to be filed" or "very important papers".

My brother and I (mostly me) would try to clean house for special occasions (Christmas for sure anyway), but always heard, "Now don't touch the important papers on the desk". We would clean around it - even once I bought a wicker folding screen to hide the desk that always stood in the same corner of the room, ever since we were young kids.

My Mother used to say wistfully, "that desk must weigh 500 pounds. You know it took four men to deliver it. What will we do if we ever have to move it?"

After she and our Father had passed away, my brother and I set upon the momentous task of emptying our big old house. One of the last few pieces of furniture left was the 500 pound desk. We had dreaded trying to move it. Each of us stood at an end and braced ourselves with a deep breath before attempting to lift the desk. We lifted in unison with a great heave, it left the floor and nearly flew into the air! The 500 pound desk weighed no more than 100 to 125 pounds. We laughed a long time after easily carrying the "500" pound desk out of the house.

See how a simple task can overwhelm even the best of us? Do you have a 500 pound desk in your life?

by Majahnae and Spirit


FEAR OF SAILING by Caroline Mendez

Parasailing, to be exact.

It was a beautiful, balmy night in Mazatlan at the Royal Villas Resort. Sitting outside on our balcony, my roommate Louise and I are enjoying another incredible sunset looking out over the Pacific Ocean. We were both in Mazatlan for a week long Spirituality in Business Conference. I had remarked to Louise that I was looking forward to getting a massage I had scheduled on that Wednesday morning. She turned to me and said "I've never had a massage. It really frightens me, the thought of being that exposed and having a stranger touch my body." It would have never occurred to me that someone would be afraid of a massage (I have always held them with the same esteem as the big O).

I was then reminded of a workshop I attended, where we are encouraged to go towards what frightens us. So, of course I try to cajole her into having a massage that week. "Let's both do something we're really afraid of", I said, "Let's just push the envelope." So Louise describes all the things she wants to do during the week we're there. "Oh, and I definitely have to go parasailing." She says. I instantly freeze. Fear grips my entire body at the thought. We'd watched a few people rising up in the parasail from the beach and go gliding off, 300 feet up, into the sun and sea beyond. Louise immediately picks up on the fact that this topic has caused me serious concern. "So, I'll get a massage, if you'll go parasailing," she says. Before I knew it, I said "You're on!" (I could NEVER resist a challenge)

The parasailing is not until the end of the week, and that gave me plenty of time to build up my fear and apprehension. In the meanwhile, Louise has had her massage, and is looking relaxed and happy.

Friday morning comes, the day of the parasailing, we meet on the beach at 12:30. I choose to go last. My palms are sweating, I am pacing the beach. I have not yet figured out why I am so nervous about this. I've always been athletic, done everything from snowmobiling to water-skiing, I'm perplexed, why is this particular event so scary? Is it the height, the loss of control (you're on the end of a rope 200 feet up being supported by a couple of nylon straps under your bum, and that's it), trusting these people I don't know with my life?

It's now my turn, as they're suiting me up, I'm concentrating intensely on their instructions. Will I remember them? What if I pull the wrong cord, what if a strange wind current catches me and carries me away, or worse, crashes me into the beach? Gack, it's time, I run forward, the cord is being pulled by a boat racing out into the ocean, I feel my feet leave the beach. A blood-curdling scream releases from my body and lasts until I'm all the way up. My eyes are squeezed shut. Everyone on the beach is cheering (assuming my yell is enthusiasm and appreciation, not fear).

I immediately start crying big heavy, child-like sobs of release of tension and fear and anxiety. This lasts a good 5 minutes. Gripping the straps tightly, I finally open my eyes. The beauty and peace of the moment is astounding. I am a bird, free in the air, seeing a view I had always dreamed of as a child. I finally relax (as much as I can), into the serenity and sheer weightlessness. I am totally at one with nature and Mother Earth. I am just another piece of the landscape. Thank you, Louise.

Coming back down, was a breeze (no pun intended), and my body was completely drained, and fairly weak. (I had the sense I had just been through an entire personal growth workshop in the space of 15 minutes). We went and had a drink, and a wonderful relaxing lunch to celebrate. Louise shares with me that several people that were on the beach cheering me on went to sign up for the parasailing after hearing my scream (of what they assumed was unbridled exhilaration). Little did they know!

Since coming back from Mazatlan, and facing this fear, my body is molecularly different. I feel different, more solid, and yet lighter. I have shed at least 8 pounds off of my body, and to be honest, I feel more confident, more myself. My fear was fear of "flying", of going to the height of bliss and wonder and putting myself "out there," a fear of trusting the universe to support me completely.

And, so, what's the bottom line, my friends? It's this: RUN TOWARDS THE ROAR! And I guarantee you'll never be the same again.

by Caroline Mendez 
Evolve, Inc. - Business & Life Success Coaching
inVision Potential Optimizing Software 

Correction: last month's poem, Wake Up, was written by Chrissy Hamilton,  Thanks Chrissy, for all your wonderful poetry.

Coming up in our next issue:
1) Your article! e-mail it to us now for an upcoming issue! We are currently looking for well-written, inspirational and informative articles on: ascension, free energy, meditation, healing, spirit, and much more. Ideal length: 1 - 3 pages.

end of newsletter - beginning of new age
are you ready?

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