June 1997 E-Mail Newsletter
Issue Number 19
Subscribers: 2600 lightworkers worldwide

Welcome to the Salem New Age Center's monthly e-mail newsletter. Please assist our efforts by sharing this newsletter in e-mail or print with your friends and associates. This newsletter will be sent monthly, free of charge, to all who ask for it. Your written contributions are welcome to help make this newsletter a community effort. - Andy Lutts, Editor


In This Issue
*** Interview with Chandara: The Adam Kadmon Man
*** Religion and Spiritual Wholeness - Victoria Lynn Hall
*** Total Freedom is Total Responsibility - Joan Wilson
*** Sun Bear Speaks On Power
*** Poetry: Why We're Here - Elsa Joy Bailey

*** Issue Number 19 EXTRA (sent as separate e-mail message)
A Short Story: The Awakening of Planetary Consciousness

----------promotional message-------------------------------------------
REACTIVATING YOUR MERKABA Reactivating your Merkaba, the Spherical Breathing, the imminent "Shift of the Ages" and more, by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Information, write: YDM c/o Breath of Life, 17 Commodore Drive, Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Introduction: Many believe that a new age for mankind is dawning. This new age is one of peace, tranquility, understanding and love. It is a new world in which a new kind of man walks the planet. This man is the Adam-Kadmon man.

The process of change as we evolve into beings of light brings up many questions. How will it happen? When will this happen, and how do we bring it about?

Recently we spoke with Chandara, founder of the Earth Link Mission, on the information about the Adam Kadmon man. Here is the transcript from that interview.

Interview with Chandara by Andrew Lutts - May 1997

Q. Tell us about Adam Kadmon man. A. First of all, there are many references to it in the Keys Of Enoch book, and the Keys also talk about the Adamic seed, and the Adam-Kadmon light body. We are moving to the Adam Kadmon body of light.

It is an integrated light body in physical form. It has NEVER been done before, anywhere in the universe. The galactic wars were fought over this Adamic seed, and the DNA components.

Q. Has it ever been tried before? A. Yes, it has gone through many mutational processes. For example, Atlantis and Lemuria were fourth, fifth and sixth dimension processes of it. However, in a third dimension physical planet it has not yet been completed.

Q. How come the integration of the Adam Kadmon light body has not been accomplished yet anywhere for mankind? A. The differences are free will and emotion. This is new. In other places where people have physical form, there usually exists a group mind rather than free will. The problems we are facing have to do with how the free will component operates within the group mind.

The other reason this has not occurred in third dimension is that humans have strong emotional components. This provides a whole new challenge for us.

Q. How can we help with this process? A. Practicing telepathic communications is most helpful. This is an attempt at understanding group mind.

Q. What will the result be of a successful integration of the Adam Kadmon light body into mankind? A. The forms you have today will be very similar. If you like the body you have, you will be very happy. Those who are unhappy with their physical forms should take steps now to adapt the forms to something you can comfortably live with. This has been a great concern amongst many of the lightworkers.

People will be able to, using field ratios and adjustments, take your entire physical form and place it into a multidimensional interdimensional status. You will literally be able to stay in the now. The concept of your linear time will cease to exist. You can travel to many places and do many things, which even now would seem inconceivable to you.

Q. Is it like everyone having his or her own merkabah field? A. Yes, and more. Right now many have merkabah fields. However, few are able to take the human form with them in the merkabah and travel from place to place on the planet. This will become a common everyday occurrence.

Q. Are there any other features or characterizations we should know about? A. The crystalline matrix and the crystalline light body is a function of the Adamic form. This matrix is what processes the higher etheric energies of photon and subatomic particles within the cellular structure of the human form. This is what will allow the human form to activate and have the human portion become part of the whole vehicle.

Q. Will the photon belt assist with this integration? A. Yes. You have been in the belt for quite some time now, for 18 months. The illusion of time is beginning to dissipate and disintegrate, as the dimensional components come closer together. It is only your current lack of remembrance on how to utilize this gift of having no time that you are frustrated and feeling out of sequence with what is going around you.

Q. Will this mean the end of war, greed, hatred, fear, etc.? A. These are personal choices of some now. This is why we have some concern with the element of free will. However, as the grids of the earth are brought into an elevated status of alignment, this allows for multidimensionality components to be freely available on the third dimension. The plan is to work towards the Garden of Eden which existed before war and peace, and before the forces of dark and light. However, these have been great lessons for mankind.

Q. Was either Atlantis or Lemuria close to realizing something similar to the Adam-Kadmon light body? A. Yes, however their emotions and the human emotional aspects of power and greed and misuse of power came into play, and therefore the civilizations were terminated.

Q. What's different this time? Why will it work this time? A. This time all of the key players who have component pieces are here now, and are coming together now. In this coming together of all the puzzle pieces it will be found that no one person was given too much power. The incarnations have been split out. The information requires a group mind to activate all of the final components.

Q. What is the best way for individuals to prepare for these new changes? A. Raise one's vibration. Stay in touch and in tune with others attempting to be open to seeking this new information. Be without judgement, accepting what is given to you, but using your own discernment. Not all information that is given is always for everyone.

Also, clean up one's physical body. Toxins do not translate well into multidimensionality. They tend to hold the vibrational ratios of the physical body down. Cleaning one's body is important.

Ultimately, when you have remembered your full powers of process and transmutation, you should be able to translate all of it instantly. However, this is a process as the grids are aligned. This is not likely an overnight occurrence for most.

Q. When will all this occur, around the year 2012? A. We do not have linear time. You must remember that the more the events are come together that time is speeding up. As time speeds up, it allows these linear dates to move into an accelerated pace as well.

Q. Why are man's emotions so troublesome? A. Anger short-circuits the component field ratios between the merkabah and the physical form. This causes one to lose their alignment. Maintain your center, and your alignments. It is much easier for us to work with a love vibration. Work on Love, Freedom, and Acceptance.

Chandara can be reached at:
Visit Chandara's Earth Link Mission web site at:

Religion and Spiritual Wholeness
by Victoria Lynn Hall

I remember the day the religious crusaders came to my door and asked me their question of the day: Do you think there can be more than one valid religion on earth? It was asked in the way that assumed I would answer no because logically if one of them was right all the others were wrong. I told them that I believed all religions had their own truth. They proceeded to explain that only through Jesus can our souls be saved and therefore all the Buddhists were doomed. At that point I asked them my question of the day which was, "If someone were drowning would you ask them their religion before pulling them out of the water?" My guests answered No. "So", I replied "if you are willing to save someone from physical harm, no matter what their religion may be - don't you believe that god is willing to save the souls of all of us, regardless of our religion - don't you think that he or she is at least as compassionate as we are?" At this point they began reciting the scripture that they had interpreted to support that their religion was the only religion and I told them that I respect their devotion but I did not wish to join an organized religion and they left, never to return again.

It is important to remember that no matter what religious knowledge or beliefs we have, we must respect the spiritual process of others. I am not stating here a disbelief in Jesus Christ and Christian religions. I am saying that no religion in this world can be deemed absolutely right or wrong. In fact, I am asking you to consider that all of them contain the same truth in different forms. Religion is based upon a human and personal interpretation of Divine Energies. Like everything we participate in during our lives as human beings, religion is a personal choice. The concept of God or Divinity is based on the existence of the highest intelligence known to man. This intelligence is formless, nameless and all encompassing, It's source lies at the core or center of the whole of existence. The further we dwell from the core of all life, the more we objectify this nameless intelligence. What objectifies or names this intelligence is the form our culture or we as individuals attach to it.

Copyright 1997 - Victoria Lynn Hall Visit Victoria's Time, Space & Spirit's New Web Dimension at



We are living in dramatic times. Massive upheavals of shifting weather patterns, earthquakes, volcanoes and personal transformations are occurring in unprecedented numbers daily. Mass media is bringing this to our attention as it happens. Explanations and predictions of future events are becoming commonplace as we attempt to explain and understand these times. We need to focus on the basics in an effort to work with the events as they unfold and avoid unnecessary suffering.

When we put a seed in the ground, we are setting in motion energies that will culminate in a future plant. The plant will erupt through the ground covering when the time of germination is complete. We can encourage the process with calculated watering and creating other conditions condusive to the plant's growth. Even without our active interference, the plant will grow in the course of its development into being what it is. Its determination to continue growth is proven as we witness plants pushing through parking lots, sidewalks and other surfaces that should inhibit its development.

Man has reached a level of growth that is pushing through the cement of his chosen sedentary life. This energy that is coming to us by way of dramatic upheavals are coming from within as we push for growth. It is not God's wrath upon us punishing our wicked ways. It is an outgrowth of our spirits reaching to grow into what we are, just as the plant will push through any substance, moving in any direction until it grows straight for the sun.

We have suppressed the whisperings of our hearts and compromised what we know we should do to further temporary gains. The man who puts his family on hold while he pursues a demanding business career may face a near death experience in an effort to wake himself up. A community that is ready for growth but fails to express it may find a tornado on its doorstep with an immediate opportunity to express that caring for each other. We are setting ourselves up for these events by ignoring challenges in front of us. It is as if the one body of which each of us is a part, is admiring a painted fingernail while the feet or foundation is rotting with gangrene. It is when we are facing amputation that we begin to give it the attention it has always needed.

Let us begin to notice loving opportunities and accept the challenge to express our awareness of each other. Let us work together remembering we are here to learn and grow and perfect our knowledge and ability to express love. Let us consider love more as caring rather than the romantic energies. Let us help each other as the elephants help each other, mid-wiving this new spiritual baby whose time has come.

Copyright 1997 - by Joan Wilson


from a Sun Bear lecture

"I believe that there would be a lot more happiness in the world if people would sort out their lives and put their energy in things that they really believe in.

I believe that human beings are here to grow, that this is the processing station, a place to grow to our fullest human potential. The Creator has given us freedom to explore all the potential of the universe. Walk the sacred path, because you want to.

There are a lot of good things happening in the new age, and the people in new age. However I also see a lot of wimpishness that we have allowed to happen to us. This is not being a spiritual warrior. To me, spirituality is being allowed to see, evaluate, and move about the earth in a positive manner to help heal, accomplish and open up.

Spirit puts us in some powerful situations, just to grow through them. The more I follow the sacred path the more I see and understand why I am here.

The spiritual warrior should have enough balance in his or her life so that he can view the world around him, and not become overwhelmed by it, or judgmental of it. Surprisingly, a lot of people are waiting for others in this world to be brave enough to do the things that they think they should be doing.

The Creator represents the supreme intelligence in the universe. We all have the ability to tap into that intelligence. Do some listening. Learn to look at the world in a different way.

The first step, on your path to power, is to look at the system, all the glitter, glamour, and neon, and say "I don't believe it."

If you get that far, then you have to look around for something to believe in. You have to get to a point where you create you own belief system. This is what it amounts to. The big religious organizations on this planet want to spoon-feed you their religion. But that's not the way it really is.

Find out what really works for you, why it is there, and why you are here. When you discover how you can view the world, then you have your power.

Your belief system is your foundation from which to view the world, your centeredness. Otherwise, without a belief system, you are like a spinning top bouncing around the universe.

Once you have your foundation, knowledge, understanding, centeredness and beliefs, you can look at the world and see what is real and what is an illusion."

from a presentation given in California in 1985



A new Boston, Massachusetts based walk-in networking group is forming. Focus: find a comfortable supportive environment to discuss the experience of and issues surrounding the walk-in experience. Group meetings will be both informational and social. For further information send e-mail to:


Why We're Here by Elsa Joy Bailey

Imagine a brilliantly colored world atlas
spread out, vast as a tablecloth,
across your dining room table.

You stand before it, peering at its
endless nooks and crannies,
its giant pools of blue water, looking over
the exotic and unfathomable names of cities
and countries beyond your awareness.
You take in the whole of this mammoth map,
parts of which are familiar as dust,
parts of which are completely alien.

And pretend you've been given an assignment:
to bless and forgive every piece of this huge map;
every name, every river, every mountain, every desert,
every village, every spa, every bridge, every coast,
every battleground, every street sign.

Now you can stop pretending.
Because in truth that's exactly the way it is.
You and I have been given such an assignment:
to forgive everything, everyone, everywhere.

You ask: but with a world that stretches
so many miles out of sight, with such an
immense list of characters and events,
how on earth do we accomplish such a
herculean task?

Piece by piece by piece.

Actually, it's simpler than it seems.
(Simpler -- but not easier.)
This world is much like a hologram,
which means that to entirely forgive
and bless the small piece of map
on which we stand and live
is to forgive the whole.

So we start right where we are.
Day by day, we are here to learn to see past
what our eyes and ears report;
to see through surface to essence.

We are learning to forgive it all.
The ripe lush strawberry that made us itch.
The pothole that tore a hole in our tire.
The grocery clerk with an attitude.
The relatives we try to avoid.
The co-worker who appears to hate us.
The newspaper report of a gang shooting.
The water bill that is inordinately high.
The washing machine that shrunk our sweater into a doll's dress.
The driver that splashed mud on our new jacket.
The sun that refused to come out when we needed it.
The endlessly long line at our favorite restaurant.
The head that blocked our view at a concert.
The checkbook that doesn't add up.
The irate letter from a landlord.

These are our daily assignments;
the extraordinary opportunities we are given
to see past the skin of all moments
and catch the shining innocence that waits beyond
and beneath the obvious

Is it easy work? No.
Does it take a long time to complete? Yes.
But of course we are given a lifetime
in which to do it.

And when we have moved through our
private map, piece by piece by piece, and,
with the help of the Undying Love at our center,
have come to release each face, each instance,
each folly -- what happens then?


by Elsa Joy Bailey


Coming up in our next issue:
1) Interview with a Walk-In Part III - the long-awaited third segment of this fascinating account of Kelemeria, the walk-in with full memory
2) Your article - e-mail it to us now for an upcoming issue!

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end of newsletter - beginning of new age

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