March 1997 E-Mail Newsletter
Volume 3 Number 3 - Issue Number 17
Subscribers: 2250+ lightworkers worldwide

Welcome to the Salem New Age Center's monthly e-mail newsletter. Please assist our efforts by sharing this newsletter in e-mail or print with your friends. This newsletter will be sent monthly, free of charge, to all who ask for it. Your written contributions are welcome to help make this newsletter a community effort. - Andy Lutts, Editor

-----------------promotional message------------------------------------
EXPLORING FENG SHUI Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement. Today, these principles are used to coordinate interior design, environmental design, and much more. Stanley Bartlett has shared his knowledge on various Feng Shui topics on his informative web site. To learn more about this fascinating subject visit: or call Bartlett Designs at (802)626-9492 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In This Issue

*** Halibut Point Stargate Experience
*** Putting Spirit in the Driver's Seat
*** Kurt Wright HB Updates
*** First Message from Sananda
*** Life To Ascension
*** Mt. Shasta Hale Bopp Retreat


My March Stargate Experience By Wes Owen

A few weeks before the March 20th Stargate, the gate that would be my third Stargate experience, I was beginning to feel anxious. I knew that I would play a significant role in our circle at Halibut Point, Gloucester Massachusetts where a friend told me that I needed to be. I would be in a circle with about 30 other people.

The night before the gate, I was thinking a great deal about what the next day would bring. At about 10:00 at night, I felt that I should go outside and meditate. Since it was late, and I didn't want to go far, I chose the middle of my back yard. I lay down and grounded myself. I used the Stargate Meditation to connect with the energies to get a feel for them. A very calm, relaxing, loving feeling came over me. I was completely at ease, and I felt I should ask for what I wanted out of this gate. I asked for three things. The first was better communication (both physically and etherically), the second was increased healing abilities, and the third was a relationship. The instant I asked for a relationship, I got the message that I would find someone by summertime.

The next day at school was challenging. I partly dozed off while reading the play the Crucible. I tried to stay grounded and focused. At around 12:00 I left for the Stargate. I got to Halibut Point there about 12:30 and ran around a bit to relieve anything that had built up since the night before. I met up with the others that had come to meditate. It was a partly cloudy day, and it was beginning to sprinkle. It was also quite cold.

I quickly found where I was supposed to be, and grounded myself and started connecting before the leader of our circle started. I balanced the energies, and grounded the circle. I noticed that some people, most of whom I had not met before, had some unharmonious energy floating around them. I quickly cleared them. I also created a light shield around the group with the intention of keeping everyone in harmony, peace, love, and light. Also the shield was to serve as a form of protection.

At this point, the others were ready and the Stargate Energies began to flow. They felt very intense, yet distinctive. I could recognize Stargate energy anywhere! I connected with Chandara and some friends that I knew were participating in their circle.

For the next few minutes, I helped in balancing the energies. I didn't understand at the time exactly what I was doing, but looking back on it I feel that I understand it now. I felt that I had another thing that I had to do, and that was reach into the ground and bring up an ancient energy. A large part of this Stargate was Ancient Energies, and I felt that I needed to aid in the process of bringing them back to present day. I did this as I physically reached down to the earth, formed an ancient energy that I was drawn to into a ball and brought it up onto the earth surface. I let some of the other people around me integrate it with the earth's etheric layers.

I also needed to bring an energy from far off in another galaxy, to the earth to balance the energy that I had just brought in. I reached up to the sky and formed another ball and brought it down and let the others in the circle help me integrate it. After I was done with this, I spent a few minutes linking energies from above and from below together. I pictured light coming from my left hand going down my left leg and out my left foot. Then I pictured light coming up from my right foot, up my right leg and out my right hand. My body was in the form of an X.

Then, I heard that the head of the circle was finishing up, so I slowly let go of the links I was holding and brought down the light shield around the circle. I was completely blown away! I couldn't believe that I had done all of that work. In the other two Stargates, I had no idea what I was to do, so I just absorbed the energies. I was hoping I would have a job at this Stargate, and I got my wish granted.

Wes is the Webmaster for the Earth Link Mission web site at: For questions or comments about the March stargate experience or stargates in general send e-mail to:


by Andrew Lutts

A few years ago while visiting Sedona, Arizona I heard a story which I will never forget. You may be familiar with the story line. It goes something like this:

Imagine that there are four elements of your self. Imagine what these four elements look like. They are:
1) Mind (mental energy)
2) Body
3) Emotion
4) Spiritual Self

Now picture yourself driving down the street in your automobile. All of your four selves are in your car. Which part of your self is in the driver's seat, driving your car? Who is in the passenger seat? And which parts of your self have you put into the back seat?

It is important to realize which part of yourself is in control.

Oftentimes we let the mental aspects of ourselves make our decisions in life. We are bombarded with information every day. Our minds are so active sometimes, we have to try to quiet them down. All this information is important, isn't it? After all, our mental sides know best, don't they? Shouldn't we make our choices rationally?

Others are guided by emotions. We let our emotions sway us into doing things that we might not do otherwise. Emotions like guilt, fear, greed and others can be powerful when they are put in the driver's seat. In fact, emotions are some of the most powerful influences upon us.

The physical world around us is another framework which we work within to make decisions. After all, we live in the third dimension. Shouldn't physical pursuits be important? What's wrong with living in the physical world?

You alone must decide which part of your self should be in your driver's seat. For many people, it makes sense to put spirit in the driver's seat. After all, what is really and truly most important to you? Why are you here, really?

If someone is driving your car who you think should really be a passenger, make agreements with the different aspects of yourself to put spirit in your driver's seat.

There are many advantages to having your spiritual self in control of your life. Here are a few:

1) you will be less likely to crash your car
2) you will take the preferred roads instead of wrong turns
3) you will go with the wisdom that comes with your spirit
4) you will make decisions that are best for your whole being
5) your stops will be in beautiful, peaceful locations
6) you will know when you need an oil change or tune up
7) you will drive awake, not asleep
8) you will encounter fewer potholes and speed bumps in life
9) your passengers will be going the same way that you are
10) your roadmap will take you on the best road to your destination

Next time you find yourself at a crossroad, think about who you really want in your driver's seat.



Over the past several months Kurt Wright from Hawaii has produced a series of e-mail updates on the Hale-Bopp Comet, as well as other topics of importance today. These updates are highly recommended. Kurt writes with much clarity and understanding, and addresses all kinds of lightworking subjects. From his place in paradise on the side of a Hawaiian volcano, Kurt shares his wisdom and understanding in his e-mail updates.

To subscribe to Kurt's free e-mail updates send e-mail to: with the request "add to H/B List."


FIRST MESSAGE FROM SANANDA - December 31, 1996, 3 P.M.
by Patricia Jepsen Chuse (Crystal)

Get your body ready for the immense energy fields aligning you with the higher circuits. To be ready is to be given the information you need to recircuit your body and to align all your forces to the light.

We gladly say to you that these days are circuited in light. That you are chosen to demonstrate the light of this new body. Be cleansed of all energy foreign to you, that which is not of the light, and remember you are chosen to release the light to this planet. Therefore, send no thought of negativity forth to anyone or anything. Do not judge nor criticize. All is seen through different eyes when the veil is lifted. Be aware of this and glorify the king of life, as you take your position with Him in the new circuits of divine love. Be cleansed of all that is not part of this new circuit and join with the Creator in His blessing as a sun would shine upon this Earth. Join with the Creator to bless this Earth, for her time is near, imminent.

Be Christed now in the holy vibration I AM THAT I AM. And release the human flesh, for it has matted together too long, holding you as a prisoner to the light. Release all the atoms and molecules of your body frame that you might re-form the tiny atoms, that have served you well, into a glorious lighted energy body that will be as light to you.

Quiet your emotions that they might be as a still sea. That way, the Creator Mother can shine Her thoughts and Her ideas upon these still waters and they will bear fruit.

With patience, wait. I ascend with you and release you from human form. No more shall you lack, for you will be a strong adjuster valued among the many, and returned to the kingdom of God. Angels of light attend you and release you from that which has bound you close. Patience now -- and I AM with you as Sananda, the teacher, the one who is sent. Meditate upon Me. This is my hour upon the Earth and I claim it for my children of light.

copyright Patricia Jepsen Chuse (Crystal), University Of Melchizedek
e-mail: (Patricia Jepsen Chuse)



How perfect are all the imperfections of life?
Can courage, wisdom, and love make it right?

How long must we look at the blossoming flower grow,
Before we see it alive, dance and flow?

How still is the wind that blows the fresh air?
Can voices of loved ones be heard from out there?

How precious a smile when you're at a low ebb,
A 'child' sees love, - check your heart not your head.

How strong two arms can feel, in comfort when times are sad.
This comfort to another helps two feel love that's grand.

How rough are the waters of lifes rippling plan?
When body, soul and mind create true woman and man.

How loving is our Creator's Hand?
Is He pleased when He looks upon His perfect land?

Perhaps all is perfect when seen through His eyes,
But first we must awaken to know His surprise.

The questions that come from heart, mind and pen -
Will be known very shortly, when we all ASCEND!

The essence of love may be difficult to find,
Just open your heart and hear from that mind.

The bliss, it's a feeling - a knowing - a truth.
To be gathered as ONE as we suddenly transmute.

Namaste ~ love, Cristah - March 2, 1997
Cristah's Corner - GATEWAY TO ONENESS



For those who aren't quite sure what ascension is all about, know that it is supremely important. In fact, it is probably why you are here. We will likely all ascend, along with Planet Earth!

Ascension can be a difficult concept to describe, since many people have different views on the nature of ascension. Christah recently asked her friends to write in and describe "what ascension means to me." The results of her efforts have been compiled on her ascension web page. For further insights into ascension visit:


by Randy

I'm writing to let you know about my trip this past weekend to Mt. Shasta for the equinox and solar initiation ceremony. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it up there in time for the stargate. (Gosh, couldn't the universe have planned ahead and made the stargate on a weekend?) But nevertheless, it was still an energetically-charged weekend and was a perfect time to be at Mt. Shasta, one of Earth's main chakra points from what I understand. This was definitely a time of *reawakening* and *relationships*, just like Chandara's "Relationships and the Stargate Opening" channel had indicated it would be.

So, I arrived at Mt. Shasta in a car with 3 other people on Thursday afternoon. We went to a lodge we had rented out for the weekend and by 4 AM there were probably around 25 people at the lodge, primarily from the San Francisco Bay area. We met up with some other shining souls who were already in the Shasta area at around 5:30 AM on Friday, at a beautiful point overlooking Mt. Shasta, to participate in the yearly Mayan Solar Initiation Ceremony.

This ceremony was organized by a collective called "Celebrate Life!" There were probably around 50 or 60 people to participate in the ceremony, primarily younger folks in their early 20s. We were also graced with the presence of Jim & Juliana from GaiaMind who put out the call for the big global meditation last January 23rd to honor the awesome planetary alignment. The ceremony was beautiful and powerful -- two women even fainted because they were releasing so much energy -- and we greeted the sun as it rose next to Mt. Shasta, joined in prayer and respect with many thousands of people all over the world. There was much love, much growth, and for the rest of the day the sun was sharing a LOT of information with us in a multidimensional sense... much more than just sunlight... after the ceremony I fell asleep in the sun for a couple hours, leaning against a tree, and I was surrounded with a tingling sensation in my vision as I downloaded light information into every cell of my being...

Then several hours after the solar initiation, some groups showed up late from Portland and Seattle. That's when the cosmic party really began! See, these groups are all primarily old souls in young bodies and we like to PARTY together!! What better way to be in the now moment and fill ourselves with love and light, than to dance ecstatically together in honor of the planet, each other, and the amazing energies present that weekend?

So all throughout the day these various collectives from California, Oregon, and Washington shared *immense* amounts of love at this sacred site -- it was totally a cosmic family reunion, everybody there was very familiar to me even though I hadn't met most of them in the flesh this time around. We meditated, held drum circles, chanted and sang together, and generated massive waves of love to pump into the planet and its grid system, putting out our *intent* for harmony in the now moment and in times to come. Everywhere I walked, synchronicity followed me... almost unbelievable synchronicities, occurring with every person I talked to, I was bouncing around in bliss...

...and then the sun went down. That's when we really come alive. We set up a sound system in the lodge and had DJs spinning tribal shamanic techno beats all night long as we danced together as One. An altar was set up in front of the turntables, drummers surrounded the dancefloor, and dancers surrendered to Spirit. What an amazing night. Let me assure you, it is quite a sight to see Mt. Shasta and "Hale-Bopp" in the same field of view on a clear moonlit night...!

I saw so many seeds planted this weekend. The Family is coming together, the network is forming. I saw how everybody at this gathering, from all these different locations and collectives, each held a piece of a greater cosmic puzzle. Some people brought knowledge of various healing techniques, some people lifted our spirits through music and art, some people brought star knowledge, some shared their connections for growing and acquiring healing herbs and organic food, some had marvelous information about sustainable community living, some (like me) specialized in facilitating the flow of communication, etc... everybody had a piece of the puzzle and we were all working together to form a beautiful universal picture...

So this weekend was more proof that when people come together with such a focused intent, everything FLOWS harmoniously, effortlessly, and our combined energies affect great change on this planet (and beyond).

Randy e-mail:
Editor - Future Harmonix,
Administrator -,

----------promotional message-------------------------------------------
SWIM WITH DOLPHINS Join us aboard a 50' trimaran sailboat in the Bahamas for a sun-filled week of swimming and playing with dolphins in the wild. June and August trips are planned. For more info send e-mail to: or call 508-887-9708. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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To contribute your written material to this newsletter or inquire about advertising send e-mail to Andy Lutts: Tel. 508-741-4773
All past issues can be found at:
Copyright 1997 - Salem New Age Center
end of newsletter - beginning of new age

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