
July 1996 E-Mail Newsletter

Volume 2 Number 8


Welcome to the Salem New Age Center's monthly e-mail newsletter. Please assist our efforts by sharing this newsletter in e-mail or print with your friends. This newsletter will be sent monthly, free of charge, to all who ask for it. Your written contributions are welcome to help make this newsletter a community effort.

Andy Lutts, Editor


___/ c o n t e n t s

1) The Constellation Walkers

2) Book Passage of the Month

3) Stargate Information - September 21, 1996


___/ p o e t r y


On my silent wings of night

I come to get you

to visit with you

to take you home

You sleep so soundly

with the essence of your being

exploring in the other dimensions

questing always questioning

Your body is curled around the pillow

as you hold on to lost loves and

dream through the oceans of time

wishing only to understand your purpose

You turn to face me as I swoop down

to take you with me

we shall journey to the far reaches of

your memories tonight

You reach out and take hold of my wing

for I will carry you

as I always have

off to the lands of understanding

Many life times we have traveled together

I take you, for you trust me completely

as you reach out to me

you hold on and let go of time

Out into the night we fly

through the windows of time we pass

up to the tops of the trees

and on to the stars

For we are the constellation walkers

the messengers of time and light

to those who wish to listen they shall heal and remember

for there is much to hear from our silent flight

You take one last look back to the earth

for you understand that we must return

to help and heal and listen

as we are the memories of humankind

Laurie Joy Pinkham

august 23, 1996

5:30 am

copyright 1996


___/ b o o k p a s s a g e

o f t h e m o n t h


You who have given yourselves to the spiritual path, if you have not dedicated yourselves one hundred percent, I invite you now to do so. The most important work that you can do is to transform yourselves by transforming your thoughts, beliefs, and projections about the very nature of your reality, about the nature of life, about what it means to be alive here as a physical being. You know, there are physical beings walking around on Earth in the state of bliss. There are many more walking around in states of alienation, anger, or fear. It is necessary that we work together to transform these negative patterns into patterns that are reflective of the divine plan. ……..

We encourage you to come more fully into this moment, for this moment is all that truly exists. It is a spontaneous creation. It is being created in each moment. It is not a static situation that you can take for granted. And in that moment is where you find your hidden code, your higher self, your God-presence awaiting you. It is something to let go to. It is something to simply allow. It is not something you construct with your mind or your ideas. It is already perfect within you, who you are an what you are here to do, perfectly manifested! A divine jewel; this is how I perceive you.

Jewels On The Path, by Eric Klein, (pp 162, 164 channeling St. Germain)


___/ s t a r g a t e s


Glastonbury England

This gate is of great importance at this time. It will realign the temporal

grids of reality relating to the Crystalline grid structures. It will provide the

first opportunity for direct linkage of the crystalline light body to the etheric bodies and

within the physical form. It will enable those who have been working at high frequency

levels to understand and dictate the differences between the energies which they work

with currently and those energies which are new and arriving within the third

dimensional reality at this time. For those of the light, it will be an awesome

experience. The Core itself will be realigned reactivated to the newer crystalline grid

structures. The genetic coding structures which have been returned to the earth will be

impregnated and placed within the Globe and within the crystalline grid structure . It

is time for those who remember to come forth and work with these energies in much higher and definitive ways.

The work in Glastonbury, on a physical level will continue on the etheric

and will allow the realignment of the 11th dimensional pyramid which had been active over that quadrant and area. In realigning this pyramid, it will reestablish the

correct physical properties within the Eastern European continent and the Atlantean segment. At this time, that will allow and enable peace and harmony to reign supreme in the area. Major shifts of consciousness will begin to occur within the general

population. This will effect all the way into Italy and changes should be seen within the

Roman Catholic Church in regard to the Truths of the religions, functions and alignment to the Truth of humankind.

We believe that it is important for those on the surface to understand that the landings of the ships will be coming. It is critical to note that they are not necessarily in the physical form at this time, for the energies and alignments of the earth are not in concert and harmony to support them yet. The connections with the consciousnesses of the ships and the beings on the ships will be accelerated and information will be realigned appropriately. The first major connection with the ships will be established through your Internet connection. It is critical that lightworkers globally link into a coordinated cohesive balanced network. This is still not occurring.

We encourage and ask for you to speed up this process in some mechanism so that you will know that you may understand and be with the energies in harmony of ONE. A coordinated network will allow passing of information freely and easily throughout your global connections. It will be best if one Internet service provider could be arranged for this, however we realize that this may be asking much at this time.

It is important to those being whose strata it is to be here to realign those energies, to know and understand that this time it is crucial for them to begin their paths. For all who have been unclear as to their mission, it is time to dramatically ask for guidance. The day before and after the stargate should be spent in silent meditation for a length of time so that the instruction sets which will come to you will be clearly received into the physical form, and are given in purest love and light of intention. It is important that you understand that all of these things are done in perfect harmony.

We ask at this time that the groups and factions which have been bickering amongst themselves within the new age community to lay down your complaints and step aside. Those of the light who have been hiding in the shadows, it is time for you to take your place within the global community. It is time to realign the energies and step forward into the light of full Truth. Know that when you do this, you are fully protected. For it is with our great love that we transmit this information to you.

Relative to the Earth alignments, we will give the specific coordinated instructions to each continental area so that the coordinators which we have asked to come forward will be aligned in that information. The light YODS are active and functioning in perfection. There are still disturbances which create much difficulty. The electromagnetic interference complex in Alaska is requiring additional help and information from those who know it is their job to do so. We ask that the nuclear testing on your planetary surface be ceased at this time, and that those whose job it has been to bring that campaign to the forefront, step up their activities. The nuclear fallout causes trepidation's with the grid system that you are at this time aligning. It is not impossible but it is in the best interest of humankind that this activity cease.

There are those of the light who are unclear of their mission and paths The best that we can say is for you to follow, to stay on target, in your heart that which you know is the Truth - which you know is your mission and your statement. For in that way, you will totally and truly be blessed. It is important that you understand that these messages come to you as a channel for we are the Galactic United Federation. We are the Counselors whose mission it is to oversee all mission of earth and to align the beings in appropriate mechanisms and response. The FEAR levels generated within you are deep at this time. In opening and reawakening your conscious memories of who you are you also awaken your past life memories of what has happened to you, with that knowledge in the past. Know that this is not the case at this time. In Truth, you can no longer be hurt as you were before. Step forward into the Light. Learn the shielding mechanism and protection. Walk forward in total Christ consciousness, unabashed and unfettered by the Truth that you Know that you are who you are. At this time, we will close and continue our transmission at a later date. We are very grateful for the opportunity to speak. We are the Galactic Council of the Light. Adonai.


PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE STARGATE ENERGIES BEGIN TO RAMP UP ON SEPTEMBER 9 AND CONTINUE THROUGH OCTOBER 3...these are the 12 days before and after the Stargate Opening of September 21. Be open and aligned to facilitate these energetic integrations within your physical body, your fields, and within the Earth's grids and core. It smoothes the way for the Stargate opening with ease and grace.


The Earth Link Mission web site has gone through a major overhaul in

response to the increased requests for additional information. The latest

information on the September 21 Stargate from Glastonbury England has been

given and is located on the new web pages. Information is also available

about the 10 days of activities which will precede the Stargate in England

with Chandara.


Final instructions for the Stargate SEPTEMBER 21 will be transmitted through

this newsletter, with the instruction set coming from England to the US, and then to you globally. Be sure to check your e-mail in the few days prior to the Stargate for additional information. I am very grateful to all those lightworkers who post this information on the boards, folders, mailing lists and chat groups globally to spread the word. You participation has made a significant impact on the energetic alignments and level of participation now being achieved. It is a wonderful gift to humanity. Keep up the Good Work!


We are again asking for coordinator/ liaisons to step forward. We currently have received requests for group activities in the Chicago, and ST. Paul Minnesota area for the Stargate. Being a coordinator means only that you might maintain a list of activities in your state, It is the ultimate networking opportunity to be in the flow of others and events in your area.

This will provide coordinated links for the Earth Link Mission within States and Countries. If you are drawn to have your e-mail address forwarded to someone who requests added information on your geographic location, please read the Earth Link

Coordinator section on the Earth Link home page.


Beginning in October, a special newsletter dedicated specially to the Earth Link

Mission and Earthwork alignments will begin. We will plan a monthly

distribution. Notices for energetic alignments and global events are subject

to the Call of Spirit, and may require an additional announcement now and

then. The newsletter will include stargate information above and beyond that which is included in this newsletter. Those wishing to receive this additional information should e-mail to


We will be in Maui for the December Stargate. The Stargate will be opened on Mt.

Hiliahkala. Chandara will be there from Dec. 15 through Dec. 23. We will

swim with the Dolphins and open the Stargate... and more. Planning stages

are being finalized now. If you have any interest in joining us, please



The following are the projected dates and locations for the upcoming stargates through 1997:

Sept 96 Glastonbury, England

Dec 96 Maui, Hawaii

March 97 Mexico

June 97 Mt. Fuji, Japan

Sept 97 Australia

Dec 97 Giza, Egypt



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To contribute your written material to this newsletter or inquire about advertising send e-mail to Andy Lutts:

Salem New Age Center - Salem Massachusetts

Tel. 508-741-4773

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