Salem New Age Center
Reading Group Book List
Below please find the books which our own reading group has discussed.
I have also added comments on the book or our discussion of it.
- The Celestine Prophesy - James Redfield - a great place
to start
- Bringers of The Dawn - Barbara Marciniak - Pleiadian
people connect with this one
- Open Your Mind to Prosperity - Catherine Ponder - an
all-time favorite
- An Ascension Handbook - Tony Stubbs - good ascension
intro and meditations
- Care of the Soul - Thomas Moore - mixed reviews from
our group
- You Are Becoming a Galactic
- Essene & Nidle
- very controversial, a polarized discussion
- Nothing In This Book Is True,But It's Exactly How
Things Are... Bob Frissell - chock full of good info
- Embraced By The Light - Betty Jean Eadie - a powerful account of a NDE
- Life After Life - Raymond Moody
- Saved By The Light - Dannion Brinkley - truly amazing
- First Things First - Stephen Covey - self help and guidance, a safe subject
- You Can Remember Past Lives - Smith & C.T.Cayce
- past life stories from book group members were more interesting
- Mutant Message Down Under - Marlo Morgan - very well
liked by the group - highly recommended
- Interior Design with Feng Shui - Sarah Rossbach - good design suggestions
- The Complete Ascension Manual - Joshua David Stone
- an encyclopedia of ascension, excellent content, a favorite
- The Return of Merlin - Deepak Chopra - fiction from
Deepak Chopra
- Personal Power Through Awareness - Sanaya Roman - a
favorite of the group - kind, loving channeled information
- The Kryon Books I-III - Lee Carrol - our all-time best
discussion - is the neutral implant for real?
- The Pleiadian Agenda - Barbara Hand Clow - mixed reviews
- Creating Money: Keys to Abundance - Sanaya Roman
- Angel Energy - Jon Randolph Price - very nice angel energy
- Legend of Altazar - Solara - Lemuria and Atlantis explored
- Jewels on the Path - Eric Klein - Eric's books are great
- Beyond My Wildest Dreams - Kim Carlsberg - ET abduction diary
- Hidden Mysteries: ETs and the Ancient Mystery Schools - Joshua David Stone - a virtual encyclopedia of info
- Conversations With God - Neale Donald Walsch - a fantastic book, highly recommended
- The Tenth Insight - James Redfield - a great message, a painful delivery
- Illusions - Richard Bach - wondrous
- Way Of The Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman - Dan's best work, a wonderful book
- 7 Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
- Opening to Channel - Sanaya Roman - a great book for learning to channel
- Many Lives Many Masters - Brian Weiss MD - past life discovery
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