25 Top-Selling UFO Books

provided by Moving Books - as of Summer 1995

  1. Earth Pleiadian Keys To The Living Library - Barbara Marciniak
  2. You Are Becoming A Galactic Human - Essene & Nidle
  3. Pleiadian Mission - Randolph Winters
  4. Bringers Of The Dawn - Barbara Marciniak
  5. Nothing In This Book Is True... - Bob Frissell
  6. Pyramids Of Montauk - Preston & Moon
  7. Montauk Project - Nichols, Preston & Moon
  8. An Act Of Faith: The Ptaah Tapes - Janl King
  9. Montauk Revisited - Nichols, Preston & Moon
  10. Third Millenium - Ken Carey
  11. God I Am - Peter Erbe
  12. Bashar: Blueprint For Change - Darryl Anka
  13. Prism Of Lyra - Royal & Priest
  14. Gods Of Eden - William Bramley
  15. UFOs And Nature Of Reality - Judi Pope Koteen
  16. Preparing For Contact - Royal & Priest
  17. For We Are One The Pleiadians - Nina Jenice
  18. We The Arcturians - Norma Milanovich
  19. Starseed Transmissions: Raphael - Ken Carey
  20. Behold A Pale Horse - William Cooper
  21. Genesis Revisited - Zencharia Sitchin
  22. Starseed Third Millenium - Ken Carey
  23. When Time Began - Zecharia Sitchin
  24. Angels Of Love - Steiger & Hansen
  25. On Earth Assignment - Ashtar Command

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