100 Favorite New Age Books
The participants of the mailing list lightwork-l were asked
to submit their three favorite New Age lightworking books of all
time. Here are the results of their contributions:
100 Favorite New Age Books - In No Particular Order:
- The Star Seed Transmissions - Ken Carey
- The Keys of Enoch - JJ Hurtak
- Joy Riding the Universe -
- Grandmothers of Light - Paula Gunn Allen
- Shamanic Healing - Marie-Lu Lorler
- Earth - Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library - Barbara Marcinack
- The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
- Seth Speaks - Jane Roberts
- New Cells, New Bodies, NEW LIFE - Virginia Essene
- Bringers of the Dawn - Barbara Marciniak.
- Nothing in This Book is True, But It's Exactly the Way Things
Really Are - Bob Frissell.
- Preparing for Contact: - Lyssa Roya A Metamorphosis of Consciousness
- Keith Priest
- Sons of God - Christine Mercie
- Physical Immortality - Leonard Orr
- Ye Are Gods - Annalee Skarin
- The Medium, the Mystic, the Physicist - Lawrence Le Shan
- Hyperspace - Michio Kaku
- Unveiled Mysteries - Godfrey Ray King
- Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messia - Richard
- Initiation - Elizabet Hatch
- Many Lives Many Masters - Dr. Brian L. Weiss
- Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche
- Dancing in the Light - Shirley Maclaine
- Mutant Message from Down Under - Marlo Morgan
- Siddhartha - Herman Hesse
- The Tracker - Tom Brown, Jr.
- Tiger's Fang - Paul Twitchell
- The Path to Purity, - Buddhaghosa's Visuddhimagga - Translated
by Pe Maung Tin
- Thought Forms - C.W.Leadbeater - Annie Bessant
- ET 101 - Mission Control
- The Awakening - Extraterrestrial Earth Mission
- The Prysm of Lyra - Royal Priest
- Care of the Soul - Thomas Moore
- The Flame of Attention - Jiddu Krishnamurti
- Bashar: Blueprint for Change - Darryl Anka
- Peter Pan - J.M. Barrie
- Gooberz - Linda Goodman
- Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
- Ask Your Angels - Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie, Andrew Ramer
- Opening to Channel: - Sanaya Roman How to Connect with Your
Guide - Duane Packer
- Hands of Light: - Barbara Ann Brennan A Guide to Healing Through
the Human Energy Field
- Journeys Out of the Body - Robert Monroe
- Beyond Prophecies and Predictions - Moira Timms
- Agartha - Merideth Lady Young
- Grandmothers of Light - Paula Gunn Allen
- Shamanic Healing within the Medicine Wheel - Marie-Lu Lorler
- Open Your Mind To Prosperity - Catherine Ponder
- The Book of Mirdad - Mikha'il Nu`aymah
- Island - Aldous Huxley
- Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming - Stephen LaBerge, -
Howard Rheinaold.
- The Law of One, Vol I - IV - Don Elkins - Carla Rueckert -
James McCarty
- Medicine Woman - Lynn Andrews
- The Art of Dreaming - Carlos Castaneda
- The Eagle's Gift - Carlos Castaneda
- The Prophet - Kalil Gibran
- Johnathon Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach
- The Bible - The Human Race
- More Than Sparrows - Mary Welch
- Darkness Visible - William Golding.
- Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkein
- Kryon: The End Times - Lee Carroll
- Queen of the Sun: A Modern Revelation - E.J. Michael
- The Celestine Prophesy - James Redfield
- Living with Joy - Sanaya Roman
- I Come as a Brother - Bartholomew
- The Crystal Stair / The Inner Door - Eric Klein
- Queen of the Sun: A Modern Revelation - E.J. Michael
- Far Journeys - Robert Monroe
- Tao to Earth - Jose Stevens
- Earth to Tao - Jose Stevens
- Searching for Light - Carol Heideman
- The Greatest Miracle in the World - Og Mandino
- Dossier on the Ascension - Serapis Bey (Summit U.)
- The Return of the Dove - Diadra
- Discover the Power Within You - Eric Butterworth
- Twelve Powers of Man - Charles Fillmore
- Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman
- Urban Shaman - Serge King
- Tao of Pooh - Benjamin Hoff
- MAP, The Co-Creative White Brotherhood / Medical Assistance
Program - Machaelle Small Wright
- Behaving As If The God In All Life Mattered - Machaelle Small
- Awakening to Zero Point The Collective Initiation - Gregg
- The Nature of Personal Reality - Jane Roberts (A Seth Book)
- Unknown Reality - Jane Roberts (A Seth Book)
- Bridge Across Forever - Richard Bach
- Drawing The Light From Within - Judith Cornell
- On Wings of Light - Joan Borysenko & Joan Drescher
- Voyage to Paradise - Thomas McKnight & Annie Gottlieb.
- Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment - Jane Roberts
- Embraced by the Light - Betty Eddie
- Saved by the Light - Dannion Brinkley
- Wicca, A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham
- Seat of the soul - Gary Zukav
- Dancing Wu Li Masters - Gary Zukave
- A New Beginning I and II - Esther Hicks (channeling Abraham)
- Emmanuel's Book - Ram Dass, Pat Rodegast, Judith Stanton
- In Search of Stones - Scott Pecks
- Kryon: Don't Think Like A Human - Lee Carroll
- Dare To Win - M.V. Hansen and Jack Canfield
- The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
Have we overlooked any? Do you have a few favorites?
Please let us know: E-mail: Andy Lutts
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